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IRELAND: Overcrowding for hospital beds in 3 hospitals; Tallaght University Hospital at ID significant level;

The TUH said the emergency department was under significant pressure. Tallaght University Hospital requests non-emergency patients not to attend the emergency department.

The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organization said on Monday, 13 February 2023 that 50 patients admitted to TUH this morning were waiting for a hospital bed. According to Trolley Watch figures, there were 487 admitted patients waiting for a bed in hospitals across the country on Monday morning. University Hospital Limerick was worst hit, with 69 patients waiting, and 47 waiting at University College Cork.

The Tallaght hospital said in a statement that the ED was under significant pressure due to the high number of patients. It urged the public to attend non-emergency situations at their GP, GP out-of-offer service, a local injury unit or local pharmacist where possible.

However, anyone who needs urgent hospital care should come to the ED, where they will have the services they need. Patients who present to the ED without an emergency are experiencing very long waits to be seen, TUH said.

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