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Public can pay to their last respects to Sicily Sebastian; Funeral services will be held in the Native country

Sicily Sebastian, Chembakaserry, a Malayali from Ireland and a resident of Dublin's Black Rock, passed away. One of the earliest Malayali settlers in Dublin. She was a former clinical nurse manager at St Vincent's University Hospital. Sicily Sebastian , who had been ill for a long time, passed away on August 31 at 8:00 am at St. Vincent's University Hospital, Dublin.

She was a former clinical nurse manager at St Vincent's University Hospital. Actively involved in the social and cultural spheres of Dublin, Cecily Sebastian was the first Vice President of the Irish Indian Cultural Association. The Malayali community is shocked to learn of the sudden death of Cecily Sebastian, who was well known to everyone in the Dublin area.

Wife of Kora Thomas (Retired officer, Tico ltd) of Blackrock Booters Town, Dublin. One of the earliest Malayali settlers in Dublin.

Children: Tony (Maynooth), Tina
Daughter-in-law : Dr. Ampli Tony (St. Vincent's Hospital) Bells (Pala)
Grandchildren: Ira, Aaron, Aiden and Aria

Public Viewing of Sicily Sebastian  on Wednesday 2nd August from 4.00pm to 9.00pm at Rom Masseys & Sons Funeral Home, opposite UCD, Belfield, Dublin N 11. Funeral services will be held later at St. Peter's Marthoma Church, Manganam, Kottayam in Kerala state.


Rom Masseys & Sons Funeral Home, 
6 Cranford Centre, 
Stillorgan Road, Dublin 4, 
County Dublin 
D04 X446, Ireland.

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