The Apprentice winner Harpreet Kaur said organising her week-long wedding extravaganza was like completing a task on the show. Harpreet and her fiancé, fellow contestant Akshay Thakrar, are the first Apprentice couple to get married and will tie the knot in June. Harpreet, 32, won The Apprentice in 2022 but it was not until the show wrapped that romance blossomed. She said: "The fans are so excited, some have even asked for an invite!"
Harpreet is the owner and founder of dessert parlour Oh So Yum with branches in Huddersfield, Leeds and Bradford.When she was declared the winner, Lord Sugar invested £250,000 in the venture, and Harpreet has since bought back the shares from him so she can keep creative control of the business. But she said there were no hard feelings - and he still got an invite to the wedding, although he "politely declined because he is busy".Akshay, 31, was also on the show in 2022 but it was not until after it finished that Harpreet got in touch, and they "haven't looked back", he said.
"There are so many elements to the wedding, from picking a venue to considering your guests' travel arrangements to making sure they don't get bored." Akshay, founder of betting site Tips 360, added: "There's also the food, the finance, the timeline, even the weather… and of course the negotiations, that has been fun."