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Second flood warning: Cork City Council has issued flood warning

Cork City Council has issued a flood warning for the city centre - its second in less than 24 hours.

The local authority says some low-lying quays may experience flooding at high tide this evening at 6.56pm, tomorrow at 07.17am and again at 7.34pm, due to high astronomical Spring tides.

Areas most at risk include Morrison's Quay, Fr. Mathew Quay, Trinity Bridge, Union Quay, Sharman Crawford Street, Wandesford Quay, Frenche's Quay, Proby's Quay, Crosses Green, Lavitt's Quay and Kyrl's Quay.

The South Terrace, Rutland Street, Sawmill Street, and the South Mall, according to the council, could also see flooding.

There were reports of tidal water on a few city centre streets this morning, but no residences or businesses were reportedly flooded. The Cork City Council had anticipated "minimal" tidal flooding during high tide.

Sherman Crawford Street, Wandesford Quay, Fr Mathew Quay, and Morrison's Island in the heart of the city are among the impacted streets.

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