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World: Parents refuse surgery on baby, claiming that the blood being used was tainted by vaccination.

A family in New Zealand refused the use of vaccinated blood in a life-saving surgery on their baby, a report said. The hospital has now moved a court over guardianship of a four-month-old boy whose parents did not let heart surgery go ahead.

In an interview with an anti-vaccine campaigner, the parents of the baby, diagnosed with pulmonary valve stenosis, said they were extremely concerned with the blood doctors were going to use, The Guardian reported.

The parents refused to allow the procedure to proceed even though it required very immediate attention because they did not want the child's blood to be "tainted by vaccination."

Any Covid-19 vaccination in the blood is reportedly broken down shortly after the injection, according to the blood agency NZ Blood.

In order to use the donated blood and perform the surgery, the health services filed a petition with the Auckland High Court after the parents declined to have the surgery.

According to NZ Blood, there is no evidence that prior vaccinations impact the quality of blood for transfusion. "We do not separate or label blood depending on a donor's Covid vaccination status," the organisation said.

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