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AI is as destructive as nuclear war; Experts with a shocking warning

New York: Experts warn again about A.I. A statement published on the Center for AI Safety's webpage is now being discussed. The statement says that AI will lead to the destruction of humanity itself. Many people have already come forward in support of the statement. Artificial intelligence is as likely to wipe out humanity as pandemics and nuclear wars, experts say.

Experts also call for a global priority to mitigate the threat. But another group argues that the fear of AI is overblown. Open AI chief executive Sam Altman, Google DeepMind chief executive Demis Hassabis, and Anthropic's Dario Amodi have come out in support of the statement.

Geoffrey Hinton, who previously warned about the dangers of super-intelligent A.I., and Yoshua Bengio, a computer science professor and professor at the University of Montreal, also signed the statement. Geoffrey Hinton, Yoshua Bengio, and NYU professor Yann Lecon are known as the 'godfathers' of AI.

Geoffrey Hinton, one of the godfathers of AI, had earlier said that artificial intelligence is a bigger threat to humanity than climate change. Hinton recently resigned from Google, stating that he wanted to speak openly about the threats posed by AI.

Hinton's findings form the basis of current AI systems. In 1986, Hinton, along with David Rumelhart and Ronald Williams, wrote a paper entitled 'Learning Representations by Back-Propagating Errors'. This paper is considered a milestone in the development of neural networks that underpin AI. Hinton is one of those who started working on AI years ago.

At the same time, he is also among those who express concern about the growth of AI. Hinton and others doubt that AI can take over the control of the earth by overcoming human intelligence. He told Reuters that climate change is a big threat, but the threat that needs to be addressed urgently is AI.

He said that it is not difficult to prescribe what to do to control climate change and there is no clarity on what to do to deal with the threat of artificial intelligence.

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