New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the greatest injustice is the neglect of students on the basis of language regardless of their ability. He also said that the quality of education will be raised on the basis of mother tongue for the students of India. The Prime Minister was inaugurating the annual meeting of the National Education Policy (NEP) in Delhi.
Children who do not know how to speak English are neglected in India. Many developed countries give priority to their local languages. Most countries use the mother tongue.
The best example of this is Europe. But this is not the case in India despite having a range of different languages which are considered as backward languages. The ability of children who do not know how to speak English is also neglected.
But now our country has changed a lot in this way. Education and skill curriculum books translated into 12 Indian languages have been released at a function to mark the third anniversary of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. Subjects ranging from sociology to engineering will now be taught in Indian languages.
When students become confident in a language, their skills will also improve. Trying to politicize the language for selfish interests is also not the right course of action. The number of Indian institutes is increasing in all global rankings. Two IIT campuses will soon open in Zanzibar and Abu Dhabi.
The Prime Minister said that many global universities are willing to open their campuses in India due to positive changes in the education ecosystem and two Australian universities are going to open campuses in Gift City, Gujarat.