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IRELAND: You will receive the various social protection support payments announced in the Budget; "Dates Here"

Social Protection Minister Heather Humphreys and Public Expenditure Reform Minister Michael McGrath announced details of 8 separate payments between October and Christmas. 

Budget 2023 measurePayment dateNumber of recipients
Autumn cost of living double paymentWeek commencing 17 October 20221.4 million
Double Child Benefit payment1 November 2022639,000 families in respect of 1.2 million children
Fuel Allowance lump sum of €400Week commencing 14 November 2022371,000
€200 payment to people in receipt of Living Alone AllowanceWeek commencing 14 November 2022234,000
€500 cost of living payment to those in receipt of Working Family PaymentWeek commencing 14 November 202244,000
€500 Disability Support Grant to people receiving Disability Allowance, Blind Pension and Invalidity PensionWeek commencing 14 November 2022216,000
€500 Carer's Support GrantWeek commencing 21 November 2022132,000

Other social welfare bonus payments will be paid to recipients before Christmas. McGrath said the first electricity credit would be issued in "November/December", but no specific dates have yet been agreed.

The autumn double payment will start from Monday 17 October and will benefit 1.4 million people. When will the autumn double payment be due? Who is eligible for payment?

The equivalent of the Christmas bonus will be paid from next Monday, October 17. If you receive a welfare payment and normally receive a Christmas bonus, you are entitled to this payment. A total of 1.4 million people are expected to benefit from it.

A double child benefit payment will be made in the week starting 1 November.

A fuel allowance of €400 will be paid the week of November 14. This week there will be a living alone allowance of €200 and working family payment recipients a living costs payment of €500. A €500 disability support grant will also be awarded

The annual Christmas bonus double payment will be paid in the week commencing 5 December. A major extension of the fuel allowance scheme and a welfare increase of €12 a week will come into force in January 2023.


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