Dublin: Hospitals and other healthcare settings in Ireland are waiving the requirement to wear face masks to prevent the spread of Covid-19. The HSE has clarified that the recommendations in the HPSC's guidelines on mask wearing may be determined by local circumstances.
The universal use of face masks will also be relaxed from the end of this month. It will be effective from April 19. This is according to new public health guidelines from the Health Protection Surveillance Center (HPSC). During the Covid period, conditions including face masks were introduced as part of prevention and control measures.
The guidance states that healthcare workers, patients and visitors should avoid face coverings. Decisions in this regard can be taken locally. The report also states that the use of masks may be recommended in certain circumstances. The HPSC recommends that healthcare workers use surgical masks or respirator masks when interacting with patients with respiratory viral symptoms.
Respirator masks and eye protection should be used when dealing with high-risk patients within the bedspace in long-term care. The guideline also recommends that patients in open multi-bed wards who come into contact with patients with other diseases should wear masks.
The guideline applies to acute hospital settings, including community hospitals, acute mental health services, and inpatient acute rehabilitation centers. The HPSC says these terms apply to residential care facilities and specialist in-patient palliative care services.