Mumbai: Maharashtra Police has beefed up the security of Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan. "Pathan and Jawan" released this year are huge hits. Pathan directed by Siddharth Anand and Jawan directed by Atlee earned more than Rs.1000 crore globally.
After this, it was decided to increase the security following the intelligence report that the threat to the actor's life has increased. Y+ category security has been prepared for the actor.
Six armed police commandos of Maharashtra Police's Special Protection Team will always be with Shah Rukh as part of his security. Shahrukh's journey will be in the security zone prepared by the commandos in every place in the country. Security has also been put in place at Mannam, Shah Rukh's residence in Mumbai. Four policemen will guard the house round the clock.
Y+ security is limited to high-threat users. After Lawrence Bishnoi's group issued death threats, actor Salman Khan was given Y Plus security. The cost of security is charged to Shah Rukh Khan.