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Sulfur dioxide gas to Ireland and the UK; Colorless gas Sulfur dioxide Beware of symptoms

Sulfur dioxide gas has been released from a volcano in Iceland.

A volcanic eruption in Iceland has led to the release of high levels of "intense" gas into the atmosphere, which is being blown south to Ireland and the UK. It was found in high levels in UK cities where it first spread.

The colorless gas sulfur dioxide causes symptoms including sore throat, coughing, and difficulty breathing, and sometimes in cases where someone comes into direct contact with the gas, it is more commonly associated with lung diseases such as asthma and chronic bronchitis.

In Ireland, the Met Office said that fortunately the S02 gas is "high in the atmosphere", meaning it spreads further as it moves west towards Ireland.

Meteorological agencies in both countries report that they are monitoring the amount of S02 in the atmosphere and will make further updates if necessary.

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