Shengzhou: Chinese authorities have locked up the area around the world's largest iPhone factory following workers fleeing the iPhone factory facility to avoid covid restrictions.
Local officials said in a statement that Taiwanese tech giant Foxcon entered the Shengzhou Airport Economy Zone seven days “static management of central China, which runs a large plant. Pictures from Foxcon's facility where millions of workers work have come out on Chinese social media last week.
Employees complained online about the poor condition and that they had to travel on foot from the factory to avoid covid transportation restrictions. Last day, the company reported announcing a massive increase in bonuses to prevent workers' evacuation.
Foxcon employees can see them go home from Shengshaw on shuttle buses.
All people, except for covid defense volunteers and essential workers, said, "Do not leave their residence except for cogid checks and emergency medical treatment," officials said. She added that medical vehicles and those who deliver essentials will be allowed on the street.
China is the last major economy committed to the Zero-Covid strategy, and Snaplockdowns, mass testing and long quarantines still exist in China in an effort to prevent emerging spread. But the new variants have test local officials' ability to eliminate flyer-ups faster than they can spread, leading to the majority of the country living under the ever-changing mosaic of covid controls.
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