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IRELAND: "Drink driving, speeding, mobile phone use and seat belt breaches" will be caught : Gardaí

Gardai arrested 144 people for driving under the influence during the first week of December. An Garda Síochána is targeting the four lifesaver offences this Christmas Christmas period: intoxicated driving, speeding, use of mobile phones and seatbelt offences. There is a particular emphasis on the locations within Garda Divisions where analysis has shown a higher risk of fatal or serious injury road traffic collisions.

Garda countrywide performed 1,886 checkpoints in the first week of enforcement activities as part of this campaign (1–7 December). 35 of the 144 persons detained for driving under the influence were detained on suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs. Garda officers discovered 70 seatbelt infractions, 216 cell phone infractions while driving, and 3,716 speeding infractions.

Over half (55%) of occurrences involving fatal or serious road traffic collisions during the Christmas season occur between the hours of 12 p.m. and 9 p.m., according to data gathered over the previous 12 years. More specifically, 21% happened between 3 and 6 o'clock.

The Sunday after Christmas is when there is the greatest chance of a serious or deadly traffic accident. The garda launched this year's Christmas and New Year road safety campaign last week.

Traffic fatalities: 148 people have perished on Irish roadways so far this year. This is an increase of 25 individuals from the same date previous year. There have also been 1,135 crashes with serious injuries.

Additionally, according to Garda, 156,560 drivers have been stopped for exceeding speed limits since the year's first day. 17, 567 drivers have been caught breaking the law by using their phone while operating a vehicle.

7,605 persons have been detained on suspicion of drunk driving, and 5,664 seatbelt violations have been found.

An Garda Sóchána is also advising all drivers to exercise caution over the holiday and new year period, especially this weekend because Met Éireann has issued a yellow weather advisory for the next several days.

"The holiday season is one of the busiest times of year on Irish roads. Inspector Ross O'Doherty of the Garda National Roads Policing Bureau stated, "Our operational activity over the previous seven days reveals to us that drivers need to be considerably more careful of the crimes which so often lead to deadly or near fatal road traffic collisions.

"The number of persons who have already died on Irish roads this year is reason for concern; garda are off duty every day policing road traffic laws to ensure that we do not lose any more lives," the statement reads. All road users, including drivers, can contribute to lowering these sobering figures. Please be aware of how quickly crashes can occur," O'Doherty advised.

"As temperatures drop sharply and the roads get trickier to navigate, we are urging all road users and motorists in particular to pay even closer attention to driving conditions over the coming weekend."


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